Try this method and earn your first passive income online for free
When it comes to earn money online, there are lots of methods, and if you’re someone looking for a side income or passive income that can bring in a decent amount of money, then you’re on the right story now.
In this story, I’m going to share a method through which you’ll be able to earn using Pinterest.
And don’t think this is a usual and common way because I am sharing success rate data to show you actual results.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to earn money using Pinterest:
Step 1:

Start by creating a business account on Pinterest. This will give you access to analytics and advertising features that can help you grow your reach and track your performance.
Step 2:
Since 69.4% of Pinterest users are female, it’s smart to choose a niche that appeals to them. If you’re confused about which niche to pick, I suggest going with the “Kitchen Products” niche. This niche targets women and offers a wide variety of products to promote and sell.
Step 3:

Create an account on Amazon Associates or other affiliate programs according to your niche, and generate your affiliate links.
Step 4:
Design eye-catching pins and include your affiliate links in the posts. If possible, create a short video showcasing the product to increase engagement.
Step 5:
The average success rate on Pinterest is around 2% to 5% or higher, meaning that out of 100 people who see your post, 2 to 5 or more may make a purchase.
Whenever someone purchases a product through your affiliate link, you’ll earn a commission.
As a beginner, you might find it challenging to get traffic initially.
However, with attractive posts and valuable products, you can expect to get 50–300 views within the first 1–2 weeks.
With consistent effort and optimization, you could reach 500 to 2,000 views within 3 to 6 months.
With this level of traffic, you can start earning a decent amount of money through affiliate marketing on Pinterest within a few months.